Monday 8 October 2012

Difference between teaching and training

Many people think that there is not much difference between teaching and training. They believe that the one who teaches is a teacher and the one who trains is a trainer and a teacher can be a trainer and a trainer can be teacher etc. Well, it is true that it can be but still there is something that everyone should understand. Training is not just like teaching.

When the person who is new to a subject, to such as person we teach. But when there is someone who knows a bit about the subject but requires a bit of proficiency in it then in such cases the role of the trainer comes in. Training is much more related to teaching something which can be demonstrated pretty well. Those who appear for the IELTS to such students I train. I train them how to be able to do well in all the four module of the IELTS tests such as IELTS Reading Test, IELTS Writing Test, IELTS Speaking and IELTS Listening Test as in all the four modules the applicant is expected to get a good score.

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